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GB/T 6165 - 85 高效空氣過(guò)濾器性能試驗方法透過(guò)率和阻力
GB 12218 - 89 一般通風(fēng)用空氣過(guò)濾器性能試驗方法 GB/T 13554 - 92 高效空氣過(guò)濾器 GB/T 14295 - 93 空氣過(guò)濾器 GB/T 17939 - 99 核級高效空氣過(guò)濾器 GJB 1152 - 91 軍用高效空氣過(guò)濾紙技術(shù)規范 歐洲標準化委員會(huì ),N EN 779 : 1993
Particulate Air Filters for General Ventilation - Requirements,Test?ing, Marking PREN 779 : 1999 (草案,計數法)
Particulate Air Filters for General Ventilation - Determination of the Filtration Performan EN 1822-1 :1998 High Efficiency Air Filters (HEPA and ULPA) -Part 1: Classifi?cation ,Perfoiman Testing, Marking EN 1822 - 2 : 1998
High Efficiency Air Filtere (HEPA and ULPA) - Part 2: Aerosol Production, Measuring Equipment, Particle Counting Statistics EN 1822-3 :1998 High Efficiency Air Filtere (HEPA and ULPA) - Part 3: Testing Flat Sheet Filter Media EN 1822 - 4 : 2000
High Efficiency Particulate Air Filters (HEPA and ULPA) - Part 4: Determining Leakage of Filter Element (Scan Method) EN 1822 - 5 : 2000
High Efficiency Particulate Air Filters (HEPA and ULPA) - Part 5 : Determining the Efficiency of Filter Element
- 泰安工廠(chǎng)風(fēng)淋系統采購項目比價(jià)結果公示 2019-08-04
- 吉林省五星動(dòng)物保健藥廠(chǎng)初中高效過(guò)濾器更換及化驗室負壓改造、制冷機更換項目-招標公告 2019-08-04
- 潔凈室技術(shù)教學(xué)筆記(一) 2011-04-26
- 潔凈室技術(shù)教學(xué)筆記(二)-污染物與潔凈室 2011-04-26
- 潔凈室技術(shù)教學(xué)筆記(三)-空氣凈化設備及其應用 2011-04-26
- 空氣過(guò)濾器的作用以及工作原理 2011-04-26